Super test van de GamuT D3i & D200i voor en eindversterker in de What Hi-Fi van januari
Hier het lovende 5 sterren stereo eindoordeel:

Gamut D3i Rating ★★★★★
FOR Transparency and detail resolution; agility; fluid delivery; subtle dynamics; stable and expansive stereo imaging; fine build and finish
AGAINST Poor remote handset
VERDICT If you’re looking for an insightful and honest preamp the D3i is an fine place to start

Gamut D200i Rating ★★★★★
FOR Immensely detailed sound; articulate presentation; power; finesse; build and finish
AGAINST If price isn’t an issue, nothing
VERDICT One of the fnest power amplifers we’ve heard. The D200i is both analytical and entertaining; that’s a rare combination